A Letter from Pastor Larry about Holy Week

Dear Jefferson Members and Friends

I pray that this letter finds you well as we all adjust to a “new normal.” After 45 years in the ministry, It is refreshing to know that Holy Week and Easter could be filled with so many surprises and new experiences!

I am, like you, at home wondering what today, tomorrow, next week or next month will bring. The daily updates from the White House and the news media are telling me to brace for the worst, to prepare for the loss of many lives and to do my part to stay healthy and to protect the health of others by staying at home and maintaining “social distancing.” It can be overwhelming and frightening. I understand.

That’s why I want to say the most common phrase in Jesus ministry… “Do not be afraid!” If there is no other lesson in the events of Holy Week, it is this; Faith is more powerful than fear… than betrayal, than denial and even greater than death! “Because He lives, we shall live also!”

Last Sunday I met by video conference with several of your fellow members, the leadership team from Sunday School. One reason was to test our ability to meet via phone and computer, but the real reason was to simply share God’s Word together. We looked at 5 Psalms: Psalm 23Psalm 27Psalm 46Psalm 91 and Psalm 103. The first 4 are David’s response to every conceivable calamity: earthquakes, tsunamis, plagues, threats of death, animal attacks and the hateful wrath of the King (Saul)! The last, Psalm 103, is the assurance of God’s blessing in the face of every circumstance. I encourage you to take a journey through those Psalms for yourself. They bring a balance of hope, strength and faith to the daily news reports. It will remind us all of God’s ability to overcome everything that can harm us. Not only that, it will remind us of what we celebrate every Easter morning… He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!

As I write this letter, I and the leadership team of Jefferson are preparing for the days and weeks ahead. I will be continuing to provide messages weekly, the web page at Jeffersonupc.com and our page on Facebook are updated regularly. I’m busy putting together a virtual communion service for Maundy Thursday. It will be by Zoom, a teleconferencing app that works on your phone or computer. I’ll include instructions for how to connect in a separate email by Monday, April 6. Plans are also in the works for a special service for Easter Sunday that goes beyond the sermon. Please continue to check your email, the web page and Facebook posts to be aware of the details. We may not be able to meet physically, but we continue to be the family of faith at Jefferson UPC!

Please keep me, the Session, the PNC and your brothers and sisters at JUPC in your prayers. Pray for health, blessing, faith and strength to not only endure this troubling time, but to come through it stronger and more committed to be God’s people together!

Be blessed!

He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!

Pastor Larry